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关于转发约克大学举办Conference for Undergraduate Health Research会议的通知

发布时间:2022-02-21 阅读人次:


现转发加拿大约克大学(York University)举办本科生国际会议的通知,详情如下:

The Kinesiology and Health Sciences Student Association at York University will be hosting the inaugural Conference for Undergraduate Health Research (CUHR) on May 27-28, 2022.

This is an invitation and an opportunity for undergraduate students working in health fields to showcase their research work and engage with other health students around the world. The theme “Agents of Change” is an open call to students to share their research work and how they are actively becoming an agent of change for a better world.

Applications to submit abstracts Due March 20, 2022. Registration is free for this virtual event.

For details and registration UHRE: CUHR

Presenter Application & Abstract Submission Guidelines.

For any questions, please contact: uhreyorku@gmail.com


问题咨询:国际处王老师 wangjl@bnu.edu.cn




